Ofogh Koorosh Chain Stores, the Most Popular - مجله کوروش - Ofoq Kourosh Chain Store

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Ofogh Koorosh Chain Stores, the Most Popular

Ofogh Koorosh Chain Stores, the Most Popular

Ofogh Koorosh chain stores Co. has been selected as the most popular chain stores in the country for the second time.


The public relations of the company reports that the 5th Festival of the consumers popular brand held in the IRIB conference hall. During the festival, Ofogh Koorosh Co. competed some 13 other chain stores and has been selected as the most popular through public vote. The company also awarded a golden statue of the consumers' popular brand.

Over 1.5 million people participated in polling and most of them voted for Ofogh Koorosh. The voting also resulted in awarding the respective certificate to the company too. 


Chain Stores
Ofofgh Koorosh
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